Looking for List of Best Engineering College in Kanchipuram? Find complete details about Kanchipuram engineering colleges name, address, contact detail, courses, Anna University counselling cut off, fees update. Here we provide list of Anna University affiliated colleges in the district. Check out below for 2016 top 10 engineering college in Kanchipuram.
Kanchipuram District Engineering Colleges:
Kanchipuram is one among the top most state in Tamil Nadu which is located 75km from Chennai. Nearly more than 20 Engineering colleges located in the district under Anna university. If you are searching for some of the best colleges in Kanchipuram, here we provide the list which is based on coaching, counselling cut off and campus placement.
Top Colleges of Kanchipuram 2016:
Here we are providing a list of top engineering colleges in Kanchipuram 2016 which includes the various government and private institution and universities. The list has the Aksheyaa College, Agni College, Adhiparasakthi College, Apollo Priyadarshanam Institute and more.
List of Best Engineering Colleges in Kanchipuram
Best Engineering Colleges in Kanchipuram |
Positions | Colleges List |
1 | Aksheyaa College of Engineering |
2 | Adhiparasakthi College of Engineering |
3 | Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering |
4 | Adhi College of Engineering and Technology |
5 | Apollo Priyadarshanam Institute of Technology |
6 | Arignar Anna Institute of Science and Technology |
7 | Pallavan College of Engineering |
8 | Rajalakshmi Engineering College |
9 | Sri Sai Ram Engineering College |
10 | Thirumalai Engineering College |
* 10 Best Engineering Colleges in Chennai District
* 10 Best Engineering Colleges in Vellore District
* 10 Best Engineering Colleges in Thiruvannamalai District
How we have rated the engineering colleges for 2016?
We have pulled out a simple and effective method for the rating for colleges mentioned in the list. We have counted the Academic excellence, the current status of the placement strategy, the national importance of the college, infrastructure and facilities, quality education and student’s preference.
That’s about Top Engineering Colleges in Kanchipuram detail colleges that have been rated on factors like infrastructure, faculty quality, placements, industry interface and research output. For further query about the top engineering colleges in Kanchipuram 2016, you may ask to our experts any time through the comment box prescribed below.