Prominent Producer of Tamil cinema Gnanavel Raja lashes out Kalaipuli S. Thanu during Producers Council press meet. Correspondent of Studio Green movies Gnanavel has made an controversial statement over Producer Council president Thanu.
‘Kabali & Theri Flop for Thanu’ Says Gnanavel Raja
After winning Nadigar Sangam election in 2015, Actor Vishal stepped up and forms a team to participate in Producer council election. V Creations Kalaipuli S. Thanu, the current producer council president who holding the position for past decade.
Facing many issues in kollywood movies release over the years and no proper action taken over piracy websites, new council members formed against Thanu which lead by Vishal.
Joinin the team of Vishal, Studio Green Gnanavel Raja raised his support for his team and lashes out Thanu by quoting unfit for his position. He also mentioned, Vijay Theri and Superstar Rajinikanth kabali is a lose venture for V Creations.
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In Press Meet Gnanavel said, ‘Thanu never done any formal action or even a complaint against tamil movies piracy in online websites. His production ventures Kabali and Theri movies satellite rights still not yet sold to any television channels. If we won this producer council election, then we will help him to sell those movies’. he also quoted Kabali and Theri faced loses. Watch video below for full story.
Here is the Video of Gnanavel Raja about Thanu:
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