Rajinikant’s upcoming tamil movie ‘Kabali’ release date has been confirmed. The trailer of movie revealed on April 30 and film passed censor with ‘U’ certificate. The total runtime is said to be around 152 minutes. Meanwhile the film is slated for release on 22 July 2016.
The film stars Rajinikanth as the title character, whilst Taiwanese actor Winston Chao, Radhika Apte, Dhansika, Dinesh Ravi, Kalaiyarasan, and John Vijay star in other pivotal roles.
Kabali, Indian Tamil-language gangster-drama film written & directed by Pa. Ranjith and produced by Kalaipuli S. Thanu.
The song Kabali released recently which was composed by Santhosh Narayanan. The official trailer of the movie ‘Kabali’ was released on April 30. The film Kabali release date has been slated for 5th February, 2016.
Stay tune for more Kabali release date details.
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